Thursday, September 10, 2009

the true spirit

that's right kids, i know it has been a while, but i am about to embark on an epic nerding around journey...possibly the ultimate nerding around journey-- D&D!

more to come


Saturday, June 20, 2009


Guildhaus = badass haus
bros and hos

roof party

have you ever seen a meat before?
have you ever seen a meat in a thong before?

cut offs

cartwheels and tumbling for kids (proceeds going to mobo)

My Cards Day 1:
Ace-15 minutes nude (I traded that one to Thom...I don't want all those dudes to see me naked)
9- lick your braking surface...rim dummy
7- lick a dog on the nose

basically, I'll pretty much lick anything

also there was swimming/skinny dipping but I didn't go because I am too afraid of getting in trouble

Thursday, June 18, 2009


my favorite DJ (maybe 3 way tie for 1st) is back in action!complicated feelings- C&D, Full Moon Cruise, or whatever might be happening for SixDayParty? decisions decisions

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



the cruise is switching things up this month and riding on the solstice

you know the drill- Saturday June 20th 11pm Clifton/Ludlow fountain
bring your bikes, lights, helmets, and get ready to party till the break of dawn
it's the shortest night of the year so it wont be that hard

Sunday, June 14, 2009

party blerg: BOMB PROM

super busy on the E-IV shift tonight (septic shock patients). got off work at 1230am, didnt get home until 1, then i went to BOMB PROM!

wish i could have been there earlier (and drunk?) but it was the greatest!
  • lots of pals- 2 parts leckrone, rayray, greg, and many many more!
  • maple syrup fog machine
  • mopeds....lots of mopeds
  • greg's blue velvet jacket and puffy shirt
  • going to make me "whiskey strong"?
super short edition but next weekend will provide another party blerg opportunity- COME TO C&D saturday june 20th for the return of MISTERDOCTOR!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

to my furry, little friends

in response to the "SQUIRREL IN ROOM. SQUIRREL IN BED" fiasco and the lesser known "SQUIRREL IN TREE. SQUIRREL ON FACE" incident, all i have to say is - take that, fuckers!
Cress Funeral Home, Madison, Wisconsin. photos by Diane Fox

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Although my tolerance for a lot of things has decreased recently (art, people who make or talk about art, things that are boring, etc) I still have a very high tolerance for "ick" or "gross"

My favorite "ick" or "gross" thing lately is something I'm going to dub Faux Cannibalism. I love the idea of eating yummy things that look like body parts. Of course, somethings will be far more realistic and disturbing than others, but to me the idea of faux cannibalism is to maintain the functionality (ie tastiness) of the food while making the experience more fun/gross. Basically, I want to eat jello brains but I still want them to taste like jello.

Not the best example, but look I am totally going to eat those jello brains---->

I would also eat this scary, scary bread

and this cake

Sunday, May 17, 2009



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Helminth Infections

Alright guys, it is time for some real nerding around. Today in my Infectious Diseases class we talked about 2 things that were just too gross- I can't not share this stuff with you.

1. hookworms- they get inside you through your skin (walking around barefoot), make their way to your blood vessels and hang out in your lungs, from which they are coughed up, swallowed and attach to the mucosa of the small intestines to feed on your blood.

2. roundworms- you swallow the eggs from contaminated food/water, the larvae migrate to your heart, lungs, and intestines to mature and feed. Worms as big as 1 foot have been reported. They can exit your body by slithering out your nose or mouth while you sleep.

The chances of me having any kind of worm infection are slim to none (the same goes for you), but I am pretty freaked out every time I cough now.

Also, I was going to include some pictures....but I threw up in my mouth a little when I saw the google image results for "roundworms in humans"

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Am I Flirting?

Well, I am always damn well positive when I am flirting- and if you are the one I am flirting with I don't know how you could possibly be confused.

But I guess there are people that don't have flirting on their minds 24/7. For you unfortunate souls, there is a fantastic resource for you- Am I Flirting?

  • Are you flirting if you pretend to be interested in __________?
  • Are you flirting if you Twitter about a cute barista?
  • Are you flirting if you go to Sur La Table for a new knife sharpener and ask the sales guy to explain the pros and cons of every one there?....What if you ask for a demonstration?

Never fear, the wonderful Jay Hathaway is here for you when you urgently need to know whether something is flirting.

(yes, i did that to the sales guy at sur la table. yes, i was flirting. and it was awesome)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


thanks wooster for the image. seen on the streets of Belfast
so there hasn't been an occasion for me to 'party blerg' about in a while. hopefully that will change after this event that i am really looking forward to:

MoBo Bicycle Cooperative 3rd Annual Fundraiser.
May 16th. Off the Avenue Studios 1546 Knowlton Ave 7pm-1am
Music, free food, GOLDSPRINTS!, booze (for a small donation), and HOT DUDES ON BIKES.
$10 for members, $12 for non-members.

i went last year and had a wonderful time. you better believe that i am willing to shell out my hard earned cash to help MoBo continue their mission!

you may be wondering, "so, what is their mission? and what the fuck is MoBo?"
well i am not going to tell you. go to the website and read about them. and if you live in cincy, come to the party!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


my new excuse for not riding my bike as much as i should: metal allergy
i for real have a metal allergy to everything but gold. honestly, it is a pretty convenient allergy to have, plus i can totally tell when i get fake jewelery.

obviously the steel trek 360 i have just wont do. i want this one!i'm talking hand built, 24K gold plated, 600 Swarovski crystals, and only $100,000.
wayyy more freshest!

gross and uncomfortable

because i already admitted that hot dudes are the only thing i love in life, i guess i can only really really like these things: 1. the new quizno's commercial 2. birthday sex.

both things are a little gross, pretty uncomfortable, and totally hilarious. for those of you who haven't seen the quizno's commercial, just you wait!

oh my god. so i was googling the quizno's commercial to link in blog for y'all to see and the one i found is different, way more gross, and wayyyyy more better!
holy, fuck! you have to watch this. the one i've seen on tv is what i was originally blerging about, but there is no going back now that i've seen this one.

the other thing i love: birthday sex!
this song is the greatest. "tell me where you want your gift." get it? the gift is his dick.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

so maybe i am a little shallow but its not my fault all my friends are beautiful people

Dear Blog, I am sorry for neglecting you lately. I have been very busy, freaked out, and quite frankly uninspired....until about 10 minutes ago.

So there are a few things in life that I truly love.

Actually, there is only one thing: HOT DUDES.

That's right, I love hells of fine dudes. Redheaded dudes, dudes with comedy facial hair, dudes that are much older than doesn't matter because a handsome man is a handsome man. Lately, my favorite brand of hot dude is 'hot dude on bicycle' so nothing speaks to me more than hot dudes on bikes!

Some things I love about hot dudes on bikes:
1. they are totally hot,
2. endurance,
3. they are pretty gay for each other and proud of it,
4. make excellent company,
5. people that are excited and passionate about something are super sexy...even if that passion is about fucking a bicycle

So, hot dudes, if you want to show off those rock-hard thighs and fucked up tan lines, email your photos to hot dudes on bikes via or

umm also...check out these totally hot dudes....and ladies on bikes!

2 above: Eco Go Go press photos by Chris Brunn.

1 below: EP being totally hot at polo by unknown

Monday, March 30, 2009

here, nerds


recently one of my favorite blogs -Street Anatomy- has posted some images near and dear to my heart...and knuckles. i LOVE the stuff from margot knight and HATE the type by luke lucas.
look. look at those pictures! my favorites are the top one and the feet on the bottom right.

i hate this. not gross enough.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Welcome to the Greenhouse

The babies are really starting to take off. So far there is a lot of basil and tomato success. The green beans are out of control. Nothing from any of the peps yet, but I am optimistic.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Poison Prevention Week

I know that I am jumping the gun a bit on this one. But with exams coming up and the stress piling on I'm afraid that I will either forget to post this, or will have died from sudden sniffing death (preferebaly from "poppers"- yay sexual enhancement!)
From March 15th-21th I want to wish you all a happy Poison Prevention Week. So please, for this week and this week only, try not to do anything stupid.

4th grader Dylan Pettigrew

DPIC's number is 1-800-222-1222.

But if you want to be an idiot, here are some stupid things you should never do (but you would probably be fine if you did)

-drink Clorox bleach. this will make you feel really sick but it isn't corrosive so your insides will stay in tip top shape. surprising, I know

-eat rat poison. this only applies to certain kinds of rat poison (don't eat rat poison). but the kind with warfarin/ coumadin in it wont kill you. warfarin is an anticoagulation medication that takes several days to have a therapeutic effect (measured by INR times). warfarin acts by inhibiting the synthesis of clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X which have half lives of several days. this means that if you eat a bunch at one time, it likely wont have any effect.

-eat the mercury out of a thermometer. this is elemental mercury. it is not absorbed through the GI tract. mercury salts are absorbed in the GI though, so don't eat those

Seriously. Don't do that stuff, I will not be held responsible if you eat the wrong kind of rat poison or drink swimming pool bleach --both of which will actually kill you. Oh also, don't huff anything. EVER. You can blow up. Sudden Sniffing Death isn't a made up thing either. Don't huff- go big or go home.

4th grader Katlin Woods


Sam Spenser's Umbrella Bloom
I have been having some serious spring freak-outs lately. Freak-outs include: avoiding school work (more than usual), spending money like I have it, laying down to nap outside, a compelling need to fly kites and blow bubbles, and an irrational desire to have a vase full of fresh cut flowers (I can't afford that). It was lovely out for a few days running, but Ohio is a bitch.

The most important thing about spring is taking care of my plant babies so that over the summer I will have lots of yummy foods to eat.
This year's family of plant babies:
cherry , heirloom mix, beefsteak, and roma tomatoes
green and sweet mix peppers
green beans
lemon/lime, siam queen, fineleaf dwarf, genovese, and sweet basil

Thursday, March 5, 2009

getting "TURPed"

what happens when i am uninspired but still looking to procrastinate- i blerg about awful things you hope will never happen to you.

in my Therapeutics of Renal and Electrolyte Disorders class we learned about BPH, blah, blah, blah. but you wanna know what's probably worse than BPH? fixing it by getting TURPed.

TURP = transurethral resection of the prostate

Even though I think the image says it all, don't forget that "electricity" is included in the diagram

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Back in The Creek my neighbor only has one eye. I forget how she lost it....either running with scissors or in a car accident. I made up one of those stories but time makes fools of us all and I have no idea anymore which is the truth. Anyways if you ever get the chance to look at a prosthetic eye up close I highly recommend the experience. Some general factoids about fake eyes:
-not round, you're an idiot if you thought they were
-not made of glass either
-made out of tupperware
-the blood vessels are red carpet fibers
-make sure you wash off all the soap on them before you put them back in, evidently it burns pretty bad
-even though it looks like the person wearing one can see you, they really can't. this comes in very handy when sneaking-up on them
-threading needles is very hard to do
-also, fake eyes are totally gorgeous

I used to want to make prosthetics- I figured it would be a good way to combine creativity and nerddom. I should have done it. Pharmacy school is demoralizing.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Party Blerg: Sober and Squeaky Clean

bit horrified to realize that it's been almost a month since the last party blerg post. Disconcerting. 1. because I was actually making infrequent but REAL blog posts 2. i haven't had a crazy night out in a long time. Work and pseudo-adult life are ruining my fuck-up idiot kid life.

This past weekend was wholesome but eventful

Goldsprints at Grammer's.
arrived late, but from what i could tell there was a really good turn out.
the mayor was there
and there was popcorn (just like the hardware store)
Clue Party
got yelled at because i sound like lauren?
2 out of 3 leckrones
monochrome outfits are hot
wore the feather eyelashes
neal showed up after clique
outputs > inputs

felt weird/sick all day
latte jitters
Pardi's Party
very different from what i've come to consider a "normal" party lately
foods and dudes. inappropriately handsome dudes
met some very charming new folks
lots of booze and PBR light
chai tea
upstairs party
smokey, crowded, hip
10 years too young to be there
pretty good tunes
public indecency- i didn't look
michael c IS fun. i've been wrong
worked on that "Future beat Past" angle

Looking forward to this weekend. Friday night at Clique- Neal and Seb! Everyone needs to go. Get drunk, get all up on someone, makeout with a stranger, SWEAT

Friday, February 20, 2009


If only I were cool enough to be a contributor to their blog...

Oh, also, I like my cyclists nude

HOT, HOT stuff from Tomasz Pietek

It's all meat, baby

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yesterday was National Donor Day- I hope you all ripped out someone's heart in support.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

this is something i actually care about


Now, I know that I can't make you sign up to be an organ donor, but I will ask you frequently if you are ... and then enthusiastically encourage you to sign up. I am very passionate about this.

When I was in sixth grade a good friend of mine had an allergic reaction to a medication she was given at her doctor's office. She went into anaphylactic shock and completely stopped breathing. She received artificial breathing for more than 13 minutes while being transported to Miami Valley Hospital where she was revived. Although she was physically alive, Michelle was completely brain dead and in a coma. Knowing that their daughter would never actually live again, her parents decided to discontinue her life support several days later. They also decided to have their daughter be an organ donor. Several other children received Michelle's organs so that they could live. Her mom still gets Christmas cards from them every year. The loss of the a loved one is incredibly painful, but its comforting to know that they still live on in others.

Every 12 minutes another name is added to the national organ transplant waiting list.
About 18 people die each day from the lack of available organs for transplant.
1 organ donor can save 8 lives.

February 14 is National Donor Day and April is National Donate Life Month.
Donate Life!
Visit Donate Life America to sign up to be an organ donor or to reaffirm your status.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I definitely need a hearing aid.

Sitting with Leckrones Part 1 & 2 last night, I heard Brian ask Eric, "Have you checked out my blood?" Not that I would have any problems with some weird Leckrone blood business, but what he actually said was "have you checked out my blog?"

High hopes for this blog- FORGET THE MIDWEST. The premise? --mopeds, graffiti, fashion, music... what's happening if you're not on a coast. Needless to say, I like it. Of course cool shit is happening all the time in New York and on the West Coast but what about the landlocked rest of us? Right now the blog is Cincinnaticentric but hopes to expand to include other Midwest cities. If I put any effort into my blerging, this is what I would want my blog to be about...but I would include bikes, duh.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

in a perfect world you'd never have to get your stitches removed

I've seen knit/crocheted anatomical art popping up for awhile now. This stuff is fantastic! Its beautiful and (I am going to assume) lovingly made. I cannot even fathom how long and the amount of patience it would take to actually finish projects like these. I love to look at a project and know that I could never make it- or more importantly that I would never want to try. Perhaps others wouldn't see my logic behind that statement, but to me things are far more inspiring/creative when I know I couldn't replicate it.

Emily Stoneking's little critter! 1. Awesome! The hand knit rat comes pinned down to a dissection tray and is removable for cuddles. 2. She made more than one of these- unbelievable! 3. I would totally spend $80 on this...if I had $80 to spare. Oh geez there's a frog one too. If only biology class were actually this adorable.

Another series of knit goodies is by Sarah Illenberger.
The knit heart is by far my favorite. It looks soo soft and warm. I would wear it as a sweater around my actual cold, cold heart.
The brain one is great too. And major shout-outs to Bomb Squad for sending me a link to other brain stuffs. The Museum of Fabric Brain Art is the home of the world's largest collection of anatomically correct fabric brain art. Not sure if the whole collection is what is featured on the site, but that would make sense. I'm not sure that making anatomically correct fabric brain art is exactly a booming field or anything. Anyways, highly recommended! Also, there is a sister site Gallery of Wooden Brain Art.

Friday, January 30, 2009


I don't know if I am really hungry or maybe I have an iron deficiency, but lots of feelings. Lots of feelings towards this steak. Thanks, Sarah Illenberger.

Monday, January 26, 2009

That Ain't No Thang

I started this blerg to be an outlet for my nerdiness and random factoids. But as of late it is mostly just horrifying testament to my irresponsibility. So in the spirit of Nerding Around's original intent I think I'll lay some truth on you about 2 products that I consider "ain't no thang"

1. Guaifenesin

Guaifenesin ain't no thang. Seriously, it doesn't work. This product (brand name Mucinex) is supposed to loosen/thin lower respiratory tract secretions which would theoretically make minimally productive coughs more productive. First of all, there is very little data to support this claim. Second, if it did work (which it doesn't) the OTC doses you buy aren't high enough to be efficacious. Just because guaifenesin is the only FDA approved expectorant product doesn't mean you need to use it. Also this product has not been proven to be effective in treating colds either. Save your money- drink more water.

2. Midol/Pamprin
Midol and Pamprin not being a thing hits a little closer to home (and by home I mean uterus) than the whole guaifenesin thing. I feel like ladies have been duped into buy this stuff for years. Both these products contain some combination of caffeine, acetaminophen, pyrilamine maleate, and/or pamabrom. Caffeine and pamabrom are approved as diuretics in these products for "fluid retention/bloating." Ladies, although you may feel fat and gross, actually weigh yourself during this time. What many people think is fluid retention/bloating/swelling is actually a fluid redistribution. If you are retaining fluid you will gain which case a diuretic may help (still not recommended). Diuretics aren't going to do a thing for redistribution. Pyrilamine is an antihistamine added for the relief of the emotional symptoms of PMS --no proof that is works. The solution is all about NSAIDS-taken as directed, Ibuprofen is the gold standard. Also, take a calcium and vitamin D everyday-its for your health.

APhA. Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs 15th ed. 2006.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

party blerg "shower" edition

i dont think party blerg can handle a lot of went on tonight....because of that fact, i will recap what i remember from friday and tonight.

work 6-10
vodka out of a mason jar-- 2 thumbs up
"Past" beat "Future"= need to flirt much harder
beat lauren (barely and unfairly)
2 dudes raced in underwear
all in all, very wholesome evening

hiding from landlord
chew and park
eric drives to party
punch that smells like danger....and or roofies
first ones there
slow start
dancing eventually
the ballerinas make you take off all your clothes
everyone nearly nude on the dance floor
too gay a play list to deal with for the most part
yeah...that's right ....we all got in a shower...with our clothes on
i dont even know what to think about that....except for very cold and wet...its JANUARY
talk of baby pool hot tubs in the summer ...a bit of warmth/reassurance
dance so you get warm
no inappropriate makeouts--congratulations guilt feelings
play the chips ahoy cookie song
more wet and cold dancing
new party friend
"its 6am, you can either go home or sleep somewhere here, but the party is over"--in my opinion that girl sucks
walked home--at least we were prepared for this event...minus the shower part
just sleep on our futon. ill set the electric blanket to 4.
its 7am and i have to start studying for an exam soon.
curled up in bed with lauren and eric to watch 30 rock.
sitwells is an awful place

*everything except the last 2 lines were written at 7 am when I got home. my memory is not the best. if anyone would like to guest blerg or supplement with pictures they are more than welcome.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Party Blerg: The "WHY DID I DRINK THAT?!" Edition

I have to admit that "why did I drink that?" does not entirely apply to me. I drank some wine and a vodka juice and believe you me (is that a real saying?) I still feel awful. But the rest of you should be asking yourselves that question. While you are puking your brains out, ponder, "why did I drink that Godiva liqueur, creme de menthe, cinnamon schnapps and orange juice?" or "man that Kentucky car bomb sure was fun, but now i have to see my parents like this." I don't care if Greg made you that drink- science has not proven that he can reverse a hangover.

Nightly recap:

Working until 11pm on a Saturday night is always balls, but it got more balls the last couple hours. I wasn't intending to get nar jar, but that bullshit drives me to drink. Roommate already a little drunk when i got home. Put on my nerdiest clothes and we headed over to the "chemistry" party. Party premise- bring a booze or a mixer and a friends and see what you can concoct.

  • shout outs to carol and grandma for PowerLab props

  • we bring the party

  • why are all these people sitting down at the party?

  • HENRY!

  • stop putting milk in all that booze

  • Lauren's high school friend

  • Daniel's daap floor

  • dancing

  • "you know what makes a party a lot less fun? when all the dudes are gay"

  • NEAL!

  • glow in the dark body paint + Greg

  • covered in sharpie

  • Kentucky car bombs

  • somethingsomething memory gap

  • repeat offender

  • 4:37am walk home
  • when did it rain ice cubes?

Discovery of the night- glasses gives party new dimensions. You take 'em off so you don't pull a Velma on them and WHAABAM that double vision is now a weird blurry triple vision

Friday, January 16, 2009

sexy socks

I previously posted the socks below under "this sicko's christmas list" but now I've found those two anatomical beauties a soul mate (or two sole mates...yeah, I went there).

I am quite fond of the bone socks. Knee length, educational, $19.98- what's not to love? Anyone can get these lovelies at allheart.

But as much as I LOVE the bone socks I think I might love these ones more!

These are called "socks anatomy" by Anton Rapponen. After I saw them I immediately did some nerding around on the interweb to try and buy them-- I don't think they exist as real socks. Just a cruel designer trick. None the less, I will continue to want what I can't have.

I do have one pair of weird body part related socks....something something reflexology. They just seem so sad compared to the others.