I know that I am jumping the gun a bit on this one. But with exams coming up and the stress piling on I'm afraid that I will either forget to post this, or will have died from sudden sniffing death (preferebaly from "poppers"- yay sexual enhancement!)
From March 15th-21th I want to wish you all a happy Poison Prevention Week. So please, for this week and this week only, try not to do anything stupid.

4th grader Dylan Pettigrew
DPIC's number is 1-800-222-1222.
But if you want to be an idiot, here are some stupid things you should never do (but you would probably be fine if you did)
-drink Clorox bleach. this will make you feel really sick but it isn't corrosive so your insides will stay in tip top shape. surprising, I know
-eat rat poison. this only applies to certain kinds of rat poison (don't eat rat poison). but the kind with warfarin/ coumadin in it wont kill you. warfarin is an anticoagulation medication that takes several days to have a therapeutic effect (measured by INR times). warfarin acts by inhibiting the synthesis of clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X which have half lives of several days. this means that if you eat a bunch at one time, it likely wont have any effect.
-eat the mercury out of a thermometer. this is elemental mercury. it is not absorbed through the GI tract. mercury salts are absorbed in the GI though, so don't eat those
Seriously. Don't do that stuff, I will not be held responsible if you eat the wrong kind of rat poison or drink swimming pool bleach --both of which will actually kill you. Oh also, don't huff anything. EVER. You can blow up. Sudden Sniffing Death isn't a made up thing either. Don't huff- go big or go home.

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