Saturday, January 31, 2009

in a perfect world you'd never have to get your stitches removed

I've seen knit/crocheted anatomical art popping up for awhile now. This stuff is fantastic! Its beautiful and (I am going to assume) lovingly made. I cannot even fathom how long and the amount of patience it would take to actually finish projects like these. I love to look at a project and know that I could never make it- or more importantly that I would never want to try. Perhaps others wouldn't see my logic behind that statement, but to me things are far more inspiring/creative when I know I couldn't replicate it.

Emily Stoneking's little critter! 1. Awesome! The hand knit rat comes pinned down to a dissection tray and is removable for cuddles. 2. She made more than one of these- unbelievable! 3. I would totally spend $80 on this...if I had $80 to spare. Oh geez there's a frog one too. If only biology class were actually this adorable.

Another series of knit goodies is by Sarah Illenberger.
The knit heart is by far my favorite. It looks soo soft and warm. I would wear it as a sweater around my actual cold, cold heart.
The brain one is great too. And major shout-outs to Bomb Squad for sending me a link to other brain stuffs. The Museum of Fabric Brain Art is the home of the world's largest collection of anatomically correct fabric brain art. Not sure if the whole collection is what is featured on the site, but that would make sense. I'm not sure that making anatomically correct fabric brain art is exactly a booming field or anything. Anyways, highly recommended! Also, there is a sister site Gallery of Wooden Brain Art.

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