Monday, January 26, 2009

That Ain't No Thang

I started this blerg to be an outlet for my nerdiness and random factoids. But as of late it is mostly just horrifying testament to my irresponsibility. So in the spirit of Nerding Around's original intent I think I'll lay some truth on you about 2 products that I consider "ain't no thang"

1. Guaifenesin

Guaifenesin ain't no thang. Seriously, it doesn't work. This product (brand name Mucinex) is supposed to loosen/thin lower respiratory tract secretions which would theoretically make minimally productive coughs more productive. First of all, there is very little data to support this claim. Second, if it did work (which it doesn't) the OTC doses you buy aren't high enough to be efficacious. Just because guaifenesin is the only FDA approved expectorant product doesn't mean you need to use it. Also this product has not been proven to be effective in treating colds either. Save your money- drink more water.

2. Midol/Pamprin
Midol and Pamprin not being a thing hits a little closer to home (and by home I mean uterus) than the whole guaifenesin thing. I feel like ladies have been duped into buy this stuff for years. Both these products contain some combination of caffeine, acetaminophen, pyrilamine maleate, and/or pamabrom. Caffeine and pamabrom are approved as diuretics in these products for "fluid retention/bloating." Ladies, although you may feel fat and gross, actually weigh yourself during this time. What many people think is fluid retention/bloating/swelling is actually a fluid redistribution. If you are retaining fluid you will gain which case a diuretic may help (still not recommended). Diuretics aren't going to do a thing for redistribution. Pyrilamine is an antihistamine added for the relief of the emotional symptoms of PMS --no proof that is works. The solution is all about NSAIDS-taken as directed, Ibuprofen is the gold standard. Also, take a calcium and vitamin D everyday-its for your health.

APhA. Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs 15th ed. 2006.

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