Saturday, April 25, 2009

Am I Flirting?

Well, I am always damn well positive when I am flirting- and if you are the one I am flirting with I don't know how you could possibly be confused.

But I guess there are people that don't have flirting on their minds 24/7. For you unfortunate souls, there is a fantastic resource for you- Am I Flirting?

  • Are you flirting if you pretend to be interested in __________?
  • Are you flirting if you Twitter about a cute barista?
  • Are you flirting if you go to Sur La Table for a new knife sharpener and ask the sales guy to explain the pros and cons of every one there?....What if you ask for a demonstration?

Never fear, the wonderful Jay Hathaway is here for you when you urgently need to know whether something is flirting.

(yes, i did that to the sales guy at sur la table. yes, i was flirting. and it was awesome)

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