Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Back in The Creek my neighbor only has one eye. I forget how she lost it....either running with scissors or in a car accident. I made up one of those stories but time makes fools of us all and I have no idea anymore which is the truth. Anyways if you ever get the chance to look at a prosthetic eye up close I highly recommend the experience. Some general factoids about fake eyes:
-not round, you're an idiot if you thought they were
-not made of glass either
-made out of tupperware
-the blood vessels are red carpet fibers
-make sure you wash off all the soap on them before you put them back in, evidently it burns pretty bad
-even though it looks like the person wearing one can see you, they really can't. this comes in very handy when sneaking-up on them
-threading needles is very hard to do
-also, fake eyes are totally gorgeous

I used to want to make prosthetics- I figured it would be a good way to combine creativity and nerddom. I should have done it. Pharmacy school is demoralizing.

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