Friday, September 24, 2010

Hungry at Fork Heart Knife

Team Hungry team dinner with family and friends at Fork Heart Knife 9/11/10. A huge thanks goes out to Sierra for closing the restaurant to host the private event! The food, company, and that whole bottle of wine I drank made for a terrific evening.

The pictures above are out of order, but the evenings events went as follows:
  • catching up with great friends
  • eating amazing food
  • awards and recognition
  1. K-train--the little engine that could, the award for someone who can go fast but just chooses not to
  2. Alex-- this one I don't remember that might of been for riding a girl's bike with streamers, not having any winter cycling gear, or for being the most improved rider...or maybe a combo of all three
  3. Zach-- for having really great Fabio hair...or for any of the ones mentioned above for Alex
  4. Christa--team spirit
  5. Ali--for being really fast?
  6. Dr. Andrew-- Eurotrash
  7. Eric-- the style award. white tape. white saddle.
  8. James-- for being an awe inspiring amazing person
  9. Starr-- home brew Ph.D
  10. Pardi-- Mr. Freeze, Jack Frost, Old Man Winter... some kind of joke about dropping folks in subzero temperatures
  11. Captain Chewning-- some bic razors and shave gel
  • Crashing a BSM party
  • Neons
Everyone should be eating at Fork Heart Knife at 1437 main street, cincinnati, ohio 45202. Amazing food. BYO__. Cash only. I don't have enough great things to say about the cozy space, delicious food, and amazing owners.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

the true spirit

that's right kids, i know it has been a while, but i am about to embark on an epic nerding around journey...possibly the ultimate nerding around journey-- D&D!

more to come


Saturday, June 20, 2009


Guildhaus = badass haus
bros and hos

roof party

have you ever seen a meat before?
have you ever seen a meat in a thong before?

cut offs

cartwheels and tumbling for kids (proceeds going to mobo)

My Cards Day 1:
Ace-15 minutes nude (I traded that one to Thom...I don't want all those dudes to see me naked)
9- lick your braking surface...rim dummy
7- lick a dog on the nose

basically, I'll pretty much lick anything

also there was swimming/skinny dipping but I didn't go because I am too afraid of getting in trouble

Thursday, June 18, 2009


my favorite DJ (maybe 3 way tie for 1st) is back in action!complicated feelings- C&D, Full Moon Cruise, or whatever might be happening for SixDayParty? decisions decisions

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



the cruise is switching things up this month and riding on the solstice

you know the drill- Saturday June 20th 11pm Clifton/Ludlow fountain
bring your bikes, lights, helmets, and get ready to party till the break of dawn
it's the shortest night of the year so it wont be that hard

Sunday, June 14, 2009

party blerg: BOMB PROM

super busy on the E-IV shift tonight (septic shock patients). got off work at 1230am, didnt get home until 1, then i went to BOMB PROM!

wish i could have been there earlier (and drunk?) but it was the greatest!
  • lots of pals- 2 parts leckrone, rayray, greg, and many many more!
  • maple syrup fog machine
  • mopeds....lots of mopeds
  • greg's blue velvet jacket and puffy shirt
  • going to make me "whiskey strong"?
super short edition but next weekend will provide another party blerg opportunity- COME TO C&D saturday june 20th for the return of MISTERDOCTOR!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

to my furry, little friends

in response to the "SQUIRREL IN ROOM. SQUIRREL IN BED" fiasco and the lesser known "SQUIRREL IN TREE. SQUIRREL ON FACE" incident, all i have to say is - take that, fuckers!
Cress Funeral Home, Madison, Wisconsin. photos by Diane Fox

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Although my tolerance for a lot of things has decreased recently (art, people who make or talk about art, things that are boring, etc) I still have a very high tolerance for "ick" or "gross"

My favorite "ick" or "gross" thing lately is something I'm going to dub Faux Cannibalism. I love the idea of eating yummy things that look like body parts. Of course, somethings will be far more realistic and disturbing than others, but to me the idea of faux cannibalism is to maintain the functionality (ie tastiness) of the food while making the experience more fun/gross. Basically, I want to eat jello brains but I still want them to taste like jello.

Not the best example, but look I am totally going to eat those jello brains---->

I would also eat this scary, scary bread

and this cake

Sunday, May 17, 2009



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Helminth Infections

Alright guys, it is time for some real nerding around. Today in my Infectious Diseases class we talked about 2 things that were just too gross- I can't not share this stuff with you.

1. hookworms- they get inside you through your skin (walking around barefoot), make their way to your blood vessels and hang out in your lungs, from which they are coughed up, swallowed and attach to the mucosa of the small intestines to feed on your blood.

2. roundworms- you swallow the eggs from contaminated food/water, the larvae migrate to your heart, lungs, and intestines to mature and feed. Worms as big as 1 foot have been reported. They can exit your body by slithering out your nose or mouth while you sleep.

The chances of me having any kind of worm infection are slim to none (the same goes for you), but I am pretty freaked out every time I cough now.

Also, I was going to include some pictures....but I threw up in my mouth a little when I saw the google image results for "roundworms in humans"